Deep Plane Facelift

Who is a Candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift Procedure?

The ideal candidate for a deep plane facelift is typically a female or male patient with skin laxity, especially in the areas of the jawline and neck. If you are considering a facelift, then we would expect you to meet the following requirements:

  • Currently in good health with no serious medical conditions
  • Non-smoker
  • Have excess face and neck skin
  • Have a “double chin” or weak jawline
  • Have realistic expectations about what surgery can achieve

Before & After — Deep Plane Facelift

dr. demetri facelift before and after results
dr. demetri facelift before and after results

Deep Plane Facelift Benefits

A deep plane facelift is the most common surgical procedure Dr. Demetri performs. As one of the busiest facelift surgeons in the United States, he does on average 3-4 facelifts per week. This surgical procedure offers these benefits:

  • Amazing definition to the jawline, neck, and cheekbones
  • Lower likelihood of requiring filler or revision procedures
  • More natural results than traditional facelifts
  • Less noticeable areas of scarring
  • Increased self-confidence and self-image
  • Eliminates jowls and double-chin
  • Tightens the skin
  • Refreshes your look by 10 years

    What Happens During a Deep Plane Facelift?

    Well, the first step of your facelift journey is a thorough consultation with Dr. Demetri to discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals. At that time, he will also examine your face and neck as well as any other areas which may bother you.

    Furthermore, Dr. Demetri will explain all aspects of the deep plane facelift technique and recovery so you know exactly what to expect. Our amazing nurses sit down with you to review general guidelines as well. This includes reviewing your medications, vitamins, or supplements that can potentially thin the blood.

    On the day of your surgery, you will meet our operating room team. This includes our board-certified anesthesiologist, operating nurse, and surgical assistant. Dr. Demetri uses the same staff for all of his procedures to ensure consistent and reliable results. Once comfortable in the operating room, you will be sedated and injected with lidocaine to numb your face and neck. This ensures minimal pain later in the day when you are recovering at home. Dr. Demetri makes precise incisions hidden in your hairline and around your ear so as you heal the scarring is hardly noticeable.

    dr. demetri facelift before and after results

    Deep Plane Facelift Recovery

    DAYS 1-5:

    • After your procedure, you will be able to return to your home or hotel. A significant other, friend, or family member should accompany you. If needed, one of our registered nurses can help care for you as well.
    • Apply cold packs around your face and neck to help reduce swelling.
    • Sleep with your head elevated by placing several pillows behind you.
    • No showering the day after surgery with your drains.
    • Your drains will be removed in a couple of days depending on the output.
    • On the second day after the procedure, you may shower and wash your hair, even if the drains are still in place.
    • Swelling will increase up to the fourth or fifth day after your surgery and then start to subside.


    • On day 8 we typically remove your sutures.
    • It is safe to resume light activities such as neighborhood walks.
    • Do not drive if you are still taking pain medications. Once you feel your strength is back, then you can drive.
    • Makeup may be applied after about day 10.
    • The bruising and swelling will be significantly improved by week 2. We typically say you are “restaurant ready” in about 10-14 days.

    WEEK 3:

    • At this point, you may resume moderate exercise.
    • There will be a big improvement in swelling and bruising after the third week.
    • Resume your skin care routine.

    WEEKS 4-6+:

    • Most patients resume strenuous activities.
    • At week 6 you will feel 10 years refreshed!
    • Return to the office for your complementary Morpheus8 treatment, typically performed 10 weeks post-procedure. This helps with any persistent inflammation and further improves your skin texture.

    How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

    Average Cost: $20,000 – $35,000

    This is the most common procedure Dr. Demetri performs and why he has been recognized as one of the top plastic surgeons not just in Florida, but the entire country. The price of your facelift will depend on the specific techniques required to achieve your desired outcome. Dr. Demetri will determine the best surgical approach for your facelift after meeting with you in a private consultation. Once he has created your personalized treatment plan, the costs associated with your facial plastic surgery will be reviewed with you.

    Schedule Your Deep Plane Facelift Consultation Today

    Contact our office today to schedule an informative consultation for your deep plane facelift. Dr. Demetri’s expertise is what makes him among the best to perform deep plane facelifts that Tampa residents can rely on. Dr. Demetri also performs his facelift procedure on patients from neighboring Florida communities, including but not limited to Clearwater and St. Petersburg. He can let you know if a deep plane facelift is the right choice for you and can recommend additional procedures and treatments to help you reach your beauty goals.

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    “Very Natural”

    “I’ve been searching for a great doctor for a while now in LA and I’m so glad I found Dr Demetri. He takes such good care of his patients and I’m loving his results. Very natural which is hard to find! Will not let anyone else touch my face.”

    – H.H.

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    Meet Dr. Demetri

    Dr. Demetri is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in facelifts. As one of the busiest plastic surgeons in the country, he performs on average 4-6 facelifts per week. He often welcomes fellow doctors and residents to observe him perform facelift surgery. Furthermore, he often attends plastic surgery conferences where he lectures on his surgical techniques.

    Dr. Demetri feels privileged to help patients in this journey. He is passionate about the field of plastic surgery and loves meeting wonderful new people in our state-of-the-art office. If you would like to learn more about a deep plane facelift, please contact us for a consultation.

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